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Root Canal Treatment in Aspley

patient talking with dentistRoot canal treatment is the most effective way to relieve dental pain and save an infected tooth. Typically, people need this type of dental treatment when there is inflammation or infection that began as tooth decay and now extends deep inside the tooth’s inner layers affecting the ‘pulp’ or nerve within the roots.

In most cases, root canal treatment is very successful, especially because Dr Chris Lauf (Dentist) uses a dental microscope to enhance precision and accuracy. The clinical microscope allows our dentist to visually detect fine details with apochromatic technology and great depth of field, so you can be sure you are receiving high-quality care.

What to Expect

We understand that some people are fearful or uneasy of the thought of root canal therapy. The most common misconception is that root canal therapy causes pain and/or illness and should be avoided at all costs. Ironically, the exact opposite is true. Root canal therapy does in fact ease the pain, associated inflammation affecting the rest of your body and also prolongs the life of the tooth.

The longer you postpone treatment after you notice a bad toothache, the less likely it is for the tooth to survive. The best way to deal with a toothache is to seek dental care quickly; it will not go away on its own or with home remedies.

Gentle Root Canals

Thanks to modern technology and anaesthetics you won’t experience any more discomfort during your root canal than a regular filling. The pain from a severe toothache, often caused by damaged and infected tissues in the tooth, can be easily remedied by the dentist removing the damaged tissue inside of the root. That’s precisely what a root canal is meant for.


Is it better to pull a tooth than have root canal treatment?

Saving your natural teeth is always the best option. Root canal treatment has a high success rate and many root canal-treated teeth last a lifetime. Replacing an extracted tooth with a bridge, denture or implant requires further multiple procedures and incurred costs. Electing not to replace a missing tooth can also have an impact on other healthy teeth and gums. We encourage you to discuss the potential long term impacts with our dentist so you are aware of what to expect.

Are there risks involved in a root canal treatment?

Like any medical procedure, root canal treatments pose some risk and on rare occasions there may be complications. These complications may result in a tooth needing additional treatment, referral to a specialist or the tooth needing to be removed. Generally, Dr Chris Lauf will be able to pre-empt most of these risks and will always inform you prior to starting the procedure so that you are fully aware and feel comfortable to proceed.

Endodontic Therapy

Our gentle root canal treatments help preserve your smile and eliminate pain. Contact us today.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Root Canal Treatment Aspley, Albany Creek, Zillmere QLD | (07) 3263 1310