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All-On-X Implants in Aspley

smiling person looking in mirrorAdvancements in tooth implant technology and procedures have reached patients here in Aspley through one of our newest offerings, All-On-X implants.

This style of implant avoids the complex and many-day procedures like bone grafting to not just minimise your recovery time but also reduce the discomfort that may accompany other implant surgeries of yesteryear.

When you need a set of compromised teeth removed and restored, the All-On-X implant treatment replaces those teeth with a minimum of four dental implants and a set of 10 to 14 teeth. The procedure has become so efficient you can have a full set of teeth inserted in as few as one to three days.

Advanced Implant Technology for Aspley Patients

The All-On-X implant procedure is truly a revolution for the industry, accomplishing what used to take six to eight implants with just four implants. It can do so by strategically placing those four implants at an angle.

For those needing implants in the past, the implant was placed into the jawbone straight on. Now, through strategic angling of the implants, more bone can be used, and that, in turn, provides a stronger foundation for the new teeth.

Through All-On-X, a patient no longer needs a full mouth of dental implants. Arches of teeth attached to the four implants reduce the number of times a patient must endure the invasive nature of the implementation. The surgery necessary for this procedure is also more efficient than years ago, improving recovery times.

You’ll Never Be Without Pearly Whites

The All-On-X procedure also allows for what is called “immediate loading”. Once your implants are placed, your “healing” teeth can be placed during that appointment, so you are never without teeth. They’re nearly identical to what your final teeth will look like. You will receive your final teeth after your mouth has healed in about four to six months.
During your healing period, you will have plenty of time to get used to the look and feel of the healing teeth and make any changes you’d like to the colour and shape of your final teeth, as well as the fit and bite. This way, we ensure that your permanent teeth are exactly how you want them to be.

Restore Your Smile to Its Former Glory in a Day

In just one day, your smile can be restored to its former glory, or it can find a new life through improved appearance and function if you’ve suffered tooth loss for any length of time. We offer various payment options, including the early release of your superannuation fund through SuperCare.

Make your smile your priority. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started towards a restored smile!


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


All-On-X Implants Aspley, Albany Creek, Zillmere QLD | (07) 3263 1310